enum HarfBuzz::AatLayoutFeatureTypeT


The possible feature types defined for AAT shaping, from Apple Font Feature Registry.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Invalid = 65535_u32

Initial, unset feature type

AllTypographic = 0_u32

All Typographic Features

Ligatures = 1_u32


CurisveConnection = 2_u32

Cursive Connection

LetterCase = 3_u32

Letter Case

VerticalSubstitution = 4_u32

Vertical Substitution

LinguisticRearrangement = 5_u32

Linguistic Rearrangement

NumberSpacing = 6_u32

Number Spacing

SmartSwashType = 8_u32

Smart Swash

DiacriticsType = 9_u32


VerticalPosition = 10_u32

Vertical Position

Fractions = 11_u32


OverlappingCharactersType = 13_u32

Overlapping Characters

TypographicExtras = 14_u32

Typographic Extras

MathematicalExtras = 15_u32

Mathematical Extras

OrnamentSetsType = 16_u32

Ornament Sets

CharacterAlternatives = 17_u32

Character Alternatives

DesignComplexityType = 18_u32

Design Complexity

StyleOptions = 19_u32

Style Options

CharacterShape = 20_u32

Character Shape

NumberCase = 21_u32

Number Case

TextSpacing = 22_u32

Text Spacing

Transliteration = 23_u32


AnnotationType = 24_u32


KanaSpacingType = 25_u32

Kana Spacing

IdeographicSpacingType = 26_u32

Ideographic Spacing

UnicodeDecompositionType = 27_u32

Unicode Decomposition

RubyKana = 28_u32

Ruby Kana

CjkSymbolAlternativesType = 29_u32

CJK Symbol Alternatives

IdeographicAlternativesType = 30_u32

Ideographic Alternatives

CjkVerticalRomanPlacementType = 31_u32

CJK Vertical Roman Placement

ItalicCjkRoman = 32_u32

Italic CJK Roman

CaseSensitiveLayout = 33_u32

Case Sensitive Layout

AlternateKana = 34_u32

Alternate Kana

StylisticAlternatives = 35_u32

Stylistic Alternatives

ContextualAlternatives = 36_u32

Contextual Alternatives

LowerCase = 37_u32

Lower Case

UpperCase = 38_u32

Upper Case

LanguageTagType = 39_u32

Language Tag

CjkRomanSpacingType = 103_u32

CJK Roman Spacing

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class methods inherited from struct Enum

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

Instance Method Detail

def all_typographic? #

def alternate_kana? #

def annotation_type? #

def case_sensitive_layout? #

def character_alternatives? #

def character_shape? #

def cjk_roman_spacing_type? #

def cjk_symbol_alternatives_type? #

def cjk_vertical_roman_placement_type? #

def contextual_alternatives? #

def curisve_connection? #

def design_complexity_type? #

def diacritics_type? #

def fractions? #

def ideographic_alternatives_type? #

def ideographic_spacing_type? #

def invalid? #

def italic_cjk_roman? #

def kana_spacing_type? #

def language_tag_type? #

def letter_case? #

def ligatures? #

def linguistic_rearrangement? #

def lower_case? #

def mathematical_extras? #

def number_case? #

def number_spacing? #

def ornament_sets_type? #

def overlapping_characters_type? #

def ruby_kana? #

def smart_swash_type? #

def style_options? #

def stylistic_alternatives? #

def text_spacing? #

def transliteration? #

def typographic_extras? #

def unicode_decomposition_type? #

def upper_case? #

def vertical_position? #

def vertical_substitution? #