enum GdkPixbuf::PixbufAlphaMode


Control the alpha channel for drawables.

These values can be passed to gdk_pixbuf_xlib_render_to_drawable_alpha() in gdk-pixbuf-xlib to control how the alpha channel of an image should be handled.

This function can create a bilevel clipping mask (black and white) and use it while painting the image.

In the future, when the X Window System gets an alpha channel extension, it will be possible to do full alpha compositing onto arbitrary drawables. For now both cases fall back to a bilevel clipping mask.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Bilevel = 0_u32

A bilevel clipping mask (black and white) will be created and used to draw the image. Pixels below 0.5 opacity will be considered fully transparent, and all others will be considered fully opaque.

Full = 1_u32

For now falls back to #GDK_PIXBUF_ALPHA_BILEVEL. In the future it will do full alpha compositing.

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class methods inherited from struct Enum

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

Instance Method Detail

def bilevel? #

def full? #