class Gio::Credentials


The #GCredentials type is a reference-counted wrapper for native credentials. This information is typically used for identifying, authenticating and authorizing other processes.

Some operating systems supports looking up the credentials of the remote peer of a communication endpoint - see e.g. g_socket_get_credentials().

Some operating systems supports securely sending and receiving credentials over a Unix Domain Socket, see #GUnixCredentialsMessage, g_unix_connection_send_credentials() and g_unix_connection_receive_credentials() for details.

On Linux, the native credential type is a struct ucred - see the unix(7) man page for details. This corresponds to %G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_LINUX_UCRED.

On Apple operating systems (including iOS, tvOS, and macOS), the native credential type is a struct xucred. This corresponds to %G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_APPLE_XUCRED.

On FreeBSD, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, and GNU/Hurd, the native credential type is a struct cmsgcred. This corresponds to %G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_FREEBSD_CMSGCRED.

On NetBSD, the native credential type is a struct unpcbid. This corresponds to %G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_NETBSD_UNPCBID.

On OpenBSD, the native credential type is a struct sockpeercred. This corresponds to %G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_OPENBSD_SOCKPEERCRED.

On Solaris (including OpenSolaris and its derivatives), the native credential type is a ucred_t. This corresponds to %G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_SOLARIS_UCRED.

Since GLib 2.72, on Windows, the native credentials may contain the PID of a process. This corresponds to %G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_WIN32_PID.

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class GObject::Object

bind_property(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags) : GObject::Binding bind_property, bind_property_full(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags, transform_to : GObject::Closure, transform_from : GObject::Closure) : GObject::Binding bind_property_full, data(key : String) : Pointer(Void)? data, finalize finalize, freeze_notify : Nil freeze_notify, getv(names : Enumerable(String), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil getv, notify(property_name : String) : Nil notify, notify_by_pspec(pspec : GObject::ParamSpec) : Nil notify_by_pspec, notify_signal notify_signal, property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil property, qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void)? qdata, ref_count : UInt32 ref_count, run_dispose : Nil run_dispose, set_data(key : String, data : Pointer(Void)?) : Nil set_data, set_property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil set_property, steal_data(key : String) : Pointer(Void)? steal_data, steal_qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void)? steal_qdata, thaw_notify : Nil thaw_notify, to_unsafe : Pointer(Void) to_unsafe, watch_closure(closure : GObject::Closure) : Nil watch_closure

Constructor methods inherited from class GObject::Object

cast(obj : GObject::Object) : self cast, cast?(obj : GObject::Object) : self? cast?, new(pointer : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer)
, newv(object_type : UInt64, parameters : Enumerable(GObject::Parameter)) : self newv

Class methods inherited from class GObject::Object

compat_control(what : UInt64, data : Pointer(Void)?) : UInt64 compat_control, g_type : UInt64 g_type, interface_find_property(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface, property_name : String) : GObject::ParamSpec interface_find_property, interface_list_properties(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface) : Enumerable(GObject::ParamSpec) interface_list_properties

Constructor Detail

def : self #

Creates a new #GCredentials object with credentials matching the the current process.

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

Instance Method Detail

def is_same_user(other_credentials : Gio::Credentials) : Bool #

Checks if @credentials and @other_credentials is the same user.

This operation can fail if #GCredentials is not supported on the the OS.

def set_native(native_type : Gio::CredentialsType, native : Pointer(Void)) : Nil #

Copies the native credentials of type @native_type from @native into @credentials.

It is a programming error (which will cause a warning to be logged) to use this method if there is no #GCredentials support for the OS or if @native_type isn't supported by the OS.

def to_string : String #

Creates a human-readable textual representation of @credentials that can be used in logging and debug messages. The format of the returned string may change in future GLib release.

def unix_pid : Int32 #

Tries to get the UNIX process identifier from @credentials. This method is only available on UNIX platforms.

This operation can fail if #GCredentials is not supported on the OS or if the native credentials type does not contain information about the UNIX process ID.

def unix_user : UInt32 #

Tries to get the UNIX user identifier from @credentials. This method is only available on UNIX platforms.

This operation can fail if #GCredentials is not supported on the OS or if the native credentials type does not contain information about the UNIX user.

def unix_user=(uid : UInt32) : Bool #

Tries to set the UNIX user identifier on @credentials. This method is only available on UNIX platforms.

This operation can fail if #GCredentials is not supported on the OS or if the native credentials type does not contain information about the UNIX user. It can also fail if the OS does not allow the use of "spoofed" credentials.