module HarfBuzz

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary


Used when getting or setting AAT feature selectors. Indicates that there is no selector index corresponding to the selector of interest.


The default code point for replacing invalid characters in a given encoding. Set to U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.


Special setting for #hb_feature_t.start to apply the feature from the start of the buffer.


An unset #hb_language_t.

MAP_VALUE_INVALID = 4294967295_u32

Interface constants not supported! Unset #hb_map_t value. Unset #hb_map_t value.


Special value for language index indicating default or unsupported language.


Special value for feature index indicating unsupported feature.


Special value for script index indicating unsupported script.


Special value for variations index indicating unsupported variation.


Maximum number of OpenType tags that can correspond to a give #hb_language_t.


Maximum number of OpenType tags that can correspond to a give #hb_script_t.


Do not use.

SET_VALUE_INVALID = 4294967295_u32

Unset #hb_set_t value.

UNICODE_MAX = 1114111

Maximum valid Unicode code point.


See Unicode 6.1 for details on the maximum decomposition length.


The major component of the library version available at compile-time.


The micro component of the library version available at compile-time.


The minor component of the library version available at compile-time.


A string literal containing the library version available at compile-time.

Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.aat_layout_feature_type_get_name_id(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, feature_type : HarfBuzz::AatLayoutFeatureTypeT) : UInt32 #

def self.aat_layout_feature_type_get_selector_infos(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, feature_type : HarfBuzz::AatLayoutFeatureTypeT, start_offset : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.aat_layout_get_feature_types(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, start_offset : UInt32, features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::AatLayoutFeatureTypeT)) : UInt32 #

def self.aat_layout_has_positioning(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.aat_layout_has_substitution(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.aat_layout_has_tracking(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.allocation_successful=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Int32 #

def self.blob_copy_writable_or_fail(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.blob_create_from_file(file_name : String) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.blob_create_from_file_or_fail(file_name : String) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.blob_create_sub_blob(parent : HarfBuzz::BlobT, offset : UInt32, length : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.blob_get_data(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : Enumerable(String)? #

def self.blob_get_data_writable(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : Enumerable(String) #

def self.blob_get_empty : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.blob_get_length(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : UInt32 #

def self.blob_is_immutable(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : Int32 #

def self.blob_make_immutable(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_add(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, codepoint : UInt32, cluster : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_add_codepoints(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, text : Enumerable(UInt32), item_offset : UInt32, item_length : Int32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_add_latin1(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, text : Enumerable(UInt8), item_offset : UInt32, item_length : Int32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_add_utf16(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, text : Enumerable(UInt16), item_offset : UInt32, item_length : Int32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_add_utf32(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, text : Enumerable(UInt32), item_offset : UInt32, item_length : Int32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_add_utf8(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, text : Enumerable(UInt8), item_offset : UInt32, item_length : Int32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_allocation_successful(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Int32 #

def self.buffer_append(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, source : HarfBuzz::BufferT, start : UInt32, end _end : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_clear_contents(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_create : HarfBuzz::BufferT #

def self.buffer_create_similar(src : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::BufferT #

def self.buffer_deserialize_glyphs(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, buf : Enumerable(String), font : HarfBuzz::FontT?, format : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFormatT) : Int32 #

def self.buffer_deserialize_unicode(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, buf : Enumerable(String), format : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFormatT) : Int32 #

def self.buffer_diff(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, reference : HarfBuzz::BufferT, dottedcircle_glyph : UInt32, position_fuzz : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::BufferDiffFlagsT #

def self.buffer_get_cluster_level(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::BufferClusterLevelT #

def self.buffer_get_content_type(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::BufferContentTypeT #

def self.buffer_get_direction(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::DirectionT #

def self.buffer_get_empty : HarfBuzz::BufferT #

def self.buffer_get_flags(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::BufferFlagsT #

def self.buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::GlyphInfoT) #

def self.buffer_get_glyph_positions(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::GlyphPositionT) #

def self.buffer_get_invisible_glyph(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : UInt32 #

def self.buffer_get_language(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::LanguageT #

def self.buffer_get_length(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : UInt32 #

def self.buffer_get_not_found_glyph(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : UInt32 #

def self.buffer_get_replacement_codepoint(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : UInt32 #

def self.buffer_get_script(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::ScriptT #

def self.buffer_get_segment_properties(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT #

def self.buffer_get_unicode_funcs(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT #

def self.buffer_guess_segment_properties(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_has_positions(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Int32 #

def self.buffer_normalize_glyphs(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_pre_allocate(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, size : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.buffer_reset(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_reverse(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_reverse_clusters(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_reverse_range(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, start : UInt32, end _end : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_serialize(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, start : UInt32, end _end : UInt32, buf : Enumerable(UInt8), font : HarfBuzz::FontT?, format : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFormatT, flags : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFlagsT) : UInt32 #

def self.buffer_serialize_format_from_string(str : Enumerable(UInt8)) : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFormatT #

def self.buffer_serialize_format_from_string(*str : UInt8) #

def self.buffer_serialize_format_to_string(format : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFormatT) : String #

def self.buffer_serialize_glyphs(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, start : UInt32, end _end : UInt32, buf : Enumerable(UInt8), font : HarfBuzz::FontT?, format : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFormatT, flags : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFlagsT) : UInt32 #

def self.buffer_serialize_list_formats : Enumerable(String) #

def self.buffer_serialize_unicode(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, start : UInt32, end _end : UInt32, buf : Enumerable(UInt8), format : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFormatT, flags : HarfBuzz::BufferSerializeFlagsT) : UInt32 #

def self.buffer_set_cluster_level(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, cluster_level : HarfBuzz::BufferClusterLevelT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_content_type(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, content_type : HarfBuzz::BufferContentTypeT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_direction(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_flags(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, flags : HarfBuzz::BufferFlagsT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_invisible_glyph(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, invisible : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_language(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_length(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, length : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.buffer_set_message_func(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, func : HarfBuzz::BufferMessageFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_not_found_glyph(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, not_found : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_replacement_codepoint(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, replacement : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_script(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, script : HarfBuzz::ScriptT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_segment_properties(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, props : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT) : Nil #

def self.buffer_set_unicode_funcs(buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, unicode_funcs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT) : Nil #

def self.clear=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.color_get_alpha(color : UInt32) : UInt8 #

def self.color_get_blue(color : UInt32) : UInt8 #

def self.color_get_green(color : UInt32) : UInt8 #

def self.color_get_red(color : UInt32) : UInt8 #

def self.copy=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.direction_from_string(str : Enumerable(UInt8)) : HarfBuzz::DirectionT #

def self.direction_from_string(*str : UInt8) #

def self.direction_to_string(direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT) : String #

def self.draw_close_path(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, draw_data : Pointer(Void)?, st : HarfBuzz::DrawStateT) : Nil #

def self.draw_cubic_to(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, draw_data : Pointer(Void)?, st : HarfBuzz::DrawStateT, control1_x : Float32, control1_y : Float32, control2_x : Float32, control2_y : Float32, to_x : Float32, to_y : Float32) : Nil #

def self.draw_funcs_create : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT #

def self.draw_funcs_is_immutable(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT) : Int32 #

def self.draw_funcs_make_immutable(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT) : Nil #

def self.draw_funcs_set_close_path_func(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::DrawClosePathFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.draw_funcs_set_cubic_to_func(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::DrawCubicToFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.draw_funcs_set_line_to_func(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::DrawLineToFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.draw_funcs_set_move_to_func(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::DrawMoveToFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.draw_funcs_set_quadratic_to_func(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::DrawQuadraticToFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.draw_line_to(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, draw_data : Pointer(Void)?, st : HarfBuzz::DrawStateT, to_x : Float32, to_y : Float32) : Nil #

def self.draw_move_to(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, draw_data : Pointer(Void)?, st : HarfBuzz::DrawStateT, to_x : Float32, to_y : Float32) : Nil #

def self.draw_quadratic_to(dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, draw_data : Pointer(Void)?, st : HarfBuzz::DrawStateT, control_x : Float32, control_y : Float32, to_x : Float32, to_y : Float32) : Nil #

def self.face_builder_add_table(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, tag : UInt32, blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : Int32 #

def self.face_builder_create : HarfBuzz::FaceT #

def self.face_collect_unicodes(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, out _out : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.face_collect_variation_selectors(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, out _out : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.face_collect_variation_unicodes(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, variation_selector : UInt32, out _out : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.face_count(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT) : UInt32 #

def self.face_create(blob : HarfBuzz::BlobT, index : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::FaceT #

def self.face_create_for_tables(reference_table_func : HarfBuzz::ReferenceTableFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : HarfBuzz::FaceT #

def self.face_get_empty : HarfBuzz::FaceT #

def self.face_get_glyph_count(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : UInt32 #

def self.face_get_index(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : UInt32 #

def self.face_get_table_tags(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, start_offset : UInt32, table_tags : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.face_get_upem(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : UInt32 #

def self.face_is_immutable(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.face_make_immutable(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Nil #

def self.face_reference_blob(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.face_reference_table(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, tag : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.face_set_glyph_count(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, glyph_count : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.face_set_index(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, index : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.face_set_upem(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, upem : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.feature_from_string(str : Enumerable(UInt8)) : HarfBuzz::FeatureT #

def self.feature_from_string(*str : UInt8) #

def self.feature_to_string(feature : HarfBuzz::FeatureT, buf : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

def self.font_add_glyph_origin_for_direction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Nil #

def self.font_changed(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Nil #

def self.font_create(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : HarfBuzz::FontT #

def self.font_create_sub_font(parent : HarfBuzz::FontT) : HarfBuzz::FontT #

def self.font_funcs_create : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT #

def self.font_funcs_get_empty : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT #

def self.font_funcs_is_immutable(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT) : Int32 #

def self.font_funcs_make_immutable(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_font_h_extents_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetFontExtentsFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_font_v_extents_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetFontExtentsFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_contour_point_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphContourPointFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_extents_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphExtentsFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_from_name_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphFromNameFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_h_advance_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphAdvanceFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_h_advances_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphAdvancesFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_h_kerning_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphKerningFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_h_origin_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphOriginFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_name_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphNameFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_shape_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphShapeFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_v_advance_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphAdvanceFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_v_advances_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphAdvancesFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_v_kerning_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphKerningFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_glyph_v_origin_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetGlyphOriginFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_nominal_glyph_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetNominalGlyphFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_nominal_glyphs_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetNominalGlyphsFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_funcs_set_variation_glyph_func(ffuncs : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::FontGetVariationGlyphFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_get_empty : HarfBuzz::FontT #

def self.font_get_extents_for_direction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT) : HarfBuzz::FontExtentsT #

def self.font_get_face(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : HarfBuzz::FaceT #

def self.font_get_glyph(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, unicode : UInt32, variation_selector : UInt32, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_advance_for_direction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_glyph_advances_for_direction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, count : UInt32, first_glyph : Pointer(UInt32), glyph_stride : UInt32, first_advance : Int32, advance_stride : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_glyph_contour_point(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, point_index : UInt32, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_contour_point_for_origin(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, point_index : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_extents(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::GlyphExtentsT #

def self.font_get_glyph_extents_for_origin(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT) : HarfBuzz::GlyphExtentsT #

def self.font_get_glyph_from_name(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, name : Enumerable(String), glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_h_advance(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_h_advances(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, count : UInt32, first_glyph : Pointer(UInt32), glyph_stride : UInt32, first_advance : Int32, advance_stride : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_glyph_h_kerning(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, left_glyph : UInt32, right_glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_h_origin(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_kerning_for_direction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, first_glyph : UInt32, second_glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_glyph_name(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, name : Enumerable(String)) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_origin_for_direction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_glyph_shape(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, dfuncs : HarfBuzz::DrawFuncsT, draw_data : Pointer(Void)?) : Nil #

def self.font_get_glyph_v_advance(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_v_advances(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, count : UInt32, first_glyph : Pointer(UInt32), glyph_stride : UInt32, first_advance : Int32, advance_stride : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_glyph_v_kerning(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, top_glyph : UInt32, bottom_glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_glyph_v_origin(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_h_extents(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : HarfBuzz::FontExtentsT #

def self.font_get_nominal_glyph(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, unicode : UInt32, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_get_nominal_glyphs(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, count : UInt32, first_unicode : Pointer(UInt32), unicode_stride : UInt32, first_glyph : UInt32, glyph_stride : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.font_get_parent(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : HarfBuzz::FontT #

def self.font_get_ppem(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, x_ppem : UInt32, y_ppem : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_ptem(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Float32 #

def self.font_get_scale(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, x_scale : Int32, y_scale : Int32) : Nil #

def self.font_get_serial(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : UInt32 #

def self.font_get_synthetic_slant(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Float32 #

def self.font_get_v_extents(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : HarfBuzz::FontExtentsT #

def self.font_get_var_coords_design(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, length : UInt32) : Pointer(Float32) #

def self.font_get_var_coords_normalized(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, length : UInt32) : Pointer(Int32) #

def self.font_get_variation_glyph(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, unicode : UInt32, variation_selector : UInt32, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_glyph_from_string(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, s : Enumerable(UInt8), glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.font_glyph_to_string(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, s : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

def self.font_is_immutable(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Int32 #

def self.font_make_immutable(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Nil #

def self.font_set_face(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Nil #

def self.font_set_funcs(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, klass : HarfBuzz::FontFuncsT, font_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_set_funcs_data(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, font_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.font_set_parent(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, parent : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Nil #

def self.font_set_ppem(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, x_ppem : UInt32, y_ppem : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.font_set_ptem(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, ptem : Float32) : Nil #

def self.font_set_scale(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, x_scale : Int32, y_scale : Int32) : Nil #

def self.font_set_synthetic_slant(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, slant : Float32) : Nil #

def self.font_set_var_coords_design(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, coords : Enumerable(Float32)) : Nil #

def self.font_set_var_coords_normalized(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, coords : Enumerable(Int32)) : Nil #

def self.font_set_var_named_instance(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, instance_index : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.font_set_variations(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, variations : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::VariationT)) : Nil #

def self.font_subtract_glyph_origin_for_direction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, x : Int32, y : Int32) : Nil #

def self.ft_font_changed(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Nil #

def self.ft_font_get_load_flags(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Int32 #

def self.ft_font_set_funcs(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Nil #

def self.ft_font_set_load_flags(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, load_flags : Int32) : Nil #

def self.ft_hb_font_changed(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Int32 #

def self.get_max=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : UInt32 #

def self.get_min=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : UInt32 #

def self.get_population=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : UInt32 #

def self.glib_blob_create(gbytes : GLib::Bytes) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.glib_get_unicode_funcs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT #

def self.glib_script_from_script(script : HarfBuzz::ScriptT) : GLib::UnicodeScript #

def self.glib_script_to_script(script : GLib::UnicodeScript) : HarfBuzz::ScriptT #

def self.glyph_info_get_glyph_flags(info : HarfBuzz::GlyphInfoT) : HarfBuzz::GlyphFlagsT #

def self.hash=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : UInt32 #

def self.invert=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.is_empty=(set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Int32 #

def self.language_from_string(str : Enumerable(UInt8)) : HarfBuzz::LanguageT #

def self.language_from_string(*str : UInt8) #

def self.language_get_default : HarfBuzz::LanguageT #

def self.language_matches(language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT, specific : HarfBuzz::LanguageT) : Int32 #

def self.language_to_string(language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT) : String #

def self.map_allocation_successful(map : HarfBuzz::MapT) : Int32 #

def self.map_clear(map : HarfBuzz::MapT) : Nil #

def self.map_copy(map : HarfBuzz::MapT) : HarfBuzz::MapT #

def self.map_create : HarfBuzz::MapT #

def self.map_del(map : HarfBuzz::MapT, key : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.map_get(map : HarfBuzz::MapT, key : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.map_get_empty : HarfBuzz::MapT #

def self.map_get_population(map : HarfBuzz::MapT) : UInt32 #

def self.map_has(map : HarfBuzz::MapT, key : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.map_hash(map : HarfBuzz::MapT) : UInt32 #

def self.map_is_empty(map : HarfBuzz::MapT) : Int32 #

def self.map_is_equal(map : HarfBuzz::MapT, other : HarfBuzz::MapT) : Int32 #

def self.map_set(map : HarfBuzz::MapT, key : UInt32, value : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.ot_color_glyph_get_layers(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, glyph : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, layers : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtColorLayerT)?) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_color_glyph_reference_png(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.ot_color_glyph_reference_svg(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, glyph : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.ot_color_has_layers(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_color_has_palettes(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_color_has_png(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_color_has_svg(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_color_palette_color_get_name_id(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, color_index : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_color_palette_get_colors(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, palette_index : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, colors : Enumerable(UInt32)?) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_color_palette_get_count(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_color_palette_get_flags(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, palette_index : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::OtColorPaletteFlagsT #

def self.ot_color_palette_get_name_id(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, palette_index : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_font_set_funcs(font : HarfBuzz::FontT) : Nil #

def self.ot_layout_collect_features(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, scripts : Enumerable(UInt32)?, languages : Enumerable(UInt32)?, features : Enumerable(UInt32)?) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_layout_collect_lookups(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, scripts : Enumerable(UInt32)?, languages : Enumerable(UInt32)?, features : Enumerable(UInt32)?) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_layout_feature_get_characters(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, feature_index : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, characters : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_feature_get_lookups(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, feature_index : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, lookup_indexes : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_feature_get_name_ids(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, feature_index : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_feature_with_variations_get_lookups(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, feature_index : UInt32, variations_index : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, lookup_indexes : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_get_attach_points(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, glyph : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, point_array : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_get_baseline(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, baseline_tag : HarfBuzz::OtLayoutBaselineTagT, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, script_tag : UInt32, language_tag : UInt32, coord : Int32?) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_get_baseline_with_fallback(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, baseline_tag : HarfBuzz::OtLayoutBaselineTagT, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, script_tag : UInt32, language_tag : UInt32, coord : Int32) : Nil #

def self.ot_layout_get_glyph_class(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, glyph : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::OtLayoutGlyphClassT #

def self.ot_layout_get_glyphs_in_class(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, klass : HarfBuzz::OtLayoutGlyphClassT) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_layout_get_horizontal_baseline_tag_for_script(script : HarfBuzz::ScriptT) : HarfBuzz::OtLayoutBaselineTagT #

def self.ot_layout_get_ligature_carets(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, glyph : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, caret_array : Enumerable(Int32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_get_size_params(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, design_size : UInt32, subfamily_id : UInt32, subfamily_name_id : UInt32, range_start : UInt32, range_end : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_has_glyph_classes(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_has_positioning(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_has_substitution(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_language_find_feature(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, language_index : UInt32, feature_tag : UInt32, feature_index : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_language_get_feature_indexes(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, language_index : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, feature_indexes : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_language_get_feature_tags(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, language_index : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, feature_tags : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_language_get_required_feature(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, language_index : UInt32, feature_index : UInt32, feature_tag : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_language_get_required_feature_index(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, language_index : UInt32, feature_index : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_lookup_collect_glyphs(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, lookup_index : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_layout_lookup_get_glyph_alternates(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, lookup_index : UInt32, glyph : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, alternate_glyphs : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_lookup_substitute_closure(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, lookup_index : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_layout_lookup_would_substitute(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, lookup_index : UInt32, glyphs : Pointer(UInt32), glyphs_length : UInt32, zero_context : Int32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_lookups_substitute_closure(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, lookups : HarfBuzz::SetT) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_layout_script_find_language(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, language_tag : UInt32, language_index : Pointer(UInt32)) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_script_get_language_tags(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, language_tags : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_script_select_language(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32, language_count : UInt32, language_tags : Pointer(UInt32), language_index : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_table_choose_script(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_tags : Pointer(UInt32), script_index : UInt32, chosen_script : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_table_find_feature_variations(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, coords : Pointer(Int32), num_coords : UInt32, variations_index : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_table_find_script(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_tag : UInt32, script_index : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_layout_table_get_feature_tags(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, feature_tags : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_table_get_lookup_count(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_table_get_script_tags(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, start_offset : UInt32, script_tags : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_layout_table_select_script(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, table_tag : UInt32, script_count : UInt32, script_tags : Pointer(UInt32)) : Int32 #

def self.ot_math_get_constant(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, constant : HarfBuzz::OtMathConstantT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_math_get_glyph_assembly(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, start_offset : UInt32, parts : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtMathGlyphPartT), italics_correction : Int32) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_math_get_glyph_italics_correction(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_math_get_glyph_kerning(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, kern : HarfBuzz::OtMathKernT, correction_height : Int32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_math_get_glyph_kernings(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, kern : HarfBuzz::OtMathKernT, start_offset : UInt32, kern_entries : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtMathKernEntryT)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_math_get_glyph_top_accent_attachment(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_math_get_glyph_variants(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, glyph : UInt32, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT, start_offset : UInt32, variants : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtMathGlyphVariantT)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_math_get_min_connector_overlap(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, direction : HarfBuzz::DirectionT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_math_has_data(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_math_is_glyph_extended_shape(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, glyph : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.ot_meta_get_entry_tags(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, start_offset : UInt32, entries : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtMetaTagT)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_meta_reference_entry(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, meta_tag : HarfBuzz::OtMetaTagT) : HarfBuzz::BlobT #

def self.ot_metrics_get_position(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, metrics_tag : HarfBuzz::OtMetricsTagT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_metrics_get_position_with_fallback(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, metrics_tag : HarfBuzz::OtMetricsTagT) : Nil #

def self.ot_metrics_get_variation(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, metrics_tag : HarfBuzz::OtMetricsTagT) : Float32 #

def self.ot_metrics_get_x_variation(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, metrics_tag : HarfBuzz::OtMetricsTagT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_metrics_get_y_variation(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, metrics_tag : HarfBuzz::OtMetricsTagT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_name_get_utf16(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, name_id : UInt32, language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT, text : Enumerable(UInt16)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_name_get_utf32(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, name_id : UInt32, language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT, text : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_name_get_utf8(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, name_id : UInt32, language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT, text : Enumerable(String)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_name_list_names(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtNameEntryT) #

def self.ot_shape_glyphs_closure(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT)) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_shape_plan_collect_lookups(shape_plan : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT, table_tag : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.ot_tag_from_language(language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_tag_to_language(tag : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::LanguageT? #

def self.ot_tag_to_script(tag : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::ScriptT #

def self.ot_tags_from_script(script : HarfBuzz::ScriptT, script_tag_1 : Pointer(UInt32), script_tag_2 : Pointer(UInt32)) : Nil #

def self.ot_tags_from_script_and_language(script : HarfBuzz::ScriptT, language : HarfBuzz::LanguageT) : Nil #

def self.ot_tags_to_script_and_language(script_tag : UInt32, language_tag : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::LanguageT #

def self.ot_var_find_axis(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, axis_tag : UInt32, axis_index : Pointer(UInt32)) : HarfBuzz::OtVarAxisT #

def self.ot_var_find_axis_info(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, axis_tag : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::OtVarAxisInfoT #

def self.ot_var_get_axes(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, start_offset : UInt32, axes_array : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtVarAxisT)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_var_get_axis_count(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_var_get_axis_infos(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, start_offset : UInt32, axes_array : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::OtVarAxisInfoT)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_var_get_named_instance_count(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_var_has_data(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT) : Int32 #

def self.ot_var_named_instance_get_design_coords(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, instance_index : UInt32, coords : Enumerable(Float32)) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_var_named_instance_get_postscript_name_id(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, instance_index : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_var_named_instance_get_subfamily_name_id(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, instance_index : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.ot_var_normalize_coords(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, coords_length : UInt32, design_coords : Pointer(Float32), normalized_coords : Int32) : Nil #

def self.ot_var_normalize_variations(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, variations : HarfBuzz::VariationT, variations_length : UInt32, coords : Enumerable(Int32)) : Nil #

def self.script_from_iso15924_tag(tag : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::ScriptT #

def self.script_from_string(str : Enumerable(UInt8)) : HarfBuzz::ScriptT #

def self.script_from_string(*str : UInt8) #

def self.script_get_horizontal_direction(script : HarfBuzz::ScriptT) : HarfBuzz::DirectionT #

def self.script_to_iso15924_tag(script : HarfBuzz::ScriptT) : UInt32 #

def self.segment_properties_equal(a : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT, b : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT) : Int32 #

def self.segment_properties_hash(p : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT) : UInt32 #

def self.segment_properties_overlay(p : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT, src : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT) : Nil #

def self.set_add(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, codepoint : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.set_add_range(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, first : UInt32, last : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.set_add_sorted_array(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, sorted_codepoints : Enumerable(UInt32)) : Nil #

def self.set_create : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.set_del(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, codepoint : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.set_del_range(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, first : UInt32, last : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.set_get_empty : HarfBuzz::SetT #

def self.set_has(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, codepoint : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.set_intersect(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, other : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.set_is_equal(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, other : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Int32 #

def self.set_is_subset(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, larger_set : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Int32 #

def self.set_next(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, codepoint : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.set_next_many(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, codepoint : UInt32, out _out : Enumerable(UInt32)) : UInt32 #

def self.set_next_range(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, first : UInt32, last : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.set_previous(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, codepoint : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.set_previous_range(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, first : UInt32, last : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.set_set(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, other : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.set_subtract(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, other : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.set_symmetric_difference(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, other : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.set_union(set : HarfBuzz::SetT, other : HarfBuzz::SetT) : Nil #

def self.shape(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT)?) : Nil #

def self.shape_full(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT)?, shaper_list : Enumerable(String)?) : Int32 #

def self.shape_list_shapers : Enumerable(String) #

def self.shape_plan_create(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, props : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT, user_features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT), shaper_list : Enumerable(String)) : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT #

def self.shape_plan_create2(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, props : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT, user_features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT), coords : Enumerable(Int32), shaper_list : Enumerable(String)) : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT #

def self.shape_plan_create_cached(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, props : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT, user_features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT), shaper_list : Enumerable(String)) : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT #

def self.shape_plan_create_cached2(face : HarfBuzz::FaceT, props : HarfBuzz::SegmentPropertiesT, user_features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT), coords : Enumerable(Int32), shaper_list : Enumerable(String)) : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT #

def self.shape_plan_execute(shape_plan : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT, font : HarfBuzz::FontT, buffer : HarfBuzz::BufferT, features : Enumerable(HarfBuzz::FeatureT)) : Int32 #

def self.shape_plan_get_empty : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT #

def self.shape_plan_get_shaper(shape_plan : HarfBuzz::ShapePlanT) : String #

def self.style_get_value(font : HarfBuzz::FontT, style_tag : HarfBuzz::StyleTagT) : Float32 #

def self.tag_from_string(str : Enumerable(UInt8)) : UInt32 #

def self.tag_from_string(*str : UInt8) #

def self.tag_to_string(tag : UInt32, buf : Enumerable(UInt8)) : Nil #

def self.unicode_combining_class(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, unicode : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::UnicodeCombiningClassT #

def self.unicode_compose(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, a : UInt32, b : UInt32, ab : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.unicode_decompose(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, ab : UInt32, a : UInt32, b : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.unicode_decompose_compatibility(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, u : UInt32, decomposed : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.unicode_eastasian_width(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, unicode : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.unicode_funcs_create(parent : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT?) : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT #

def self.unicode_funcs_get_default : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT #

def self.unicode_funcs_get_empty : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT #

def self.unicode_funcs_get_parent(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT) : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT #

def self.unicode_funcs_is_immutable(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT) : Int32 #

def self.unicode_funcs_make_immutable(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_combining_class_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeCombiningClassFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_compose_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeComposeFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeDecomposeCompatibilityFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_decompose_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeDecomposeFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_eastasian_width_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeEastasianWidthFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_general_category_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeGeneralCategoryFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_mirroring_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeMirroringFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_funcs_set_script_func(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, func : HarfBuzz::UnicodeScriptFuncT, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, destroy : HarfBuzz::DestroyFuncT?) : Nil #

def self.unicode_general_category(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, unicode : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::UnicodeGeneralCategoryT #

def self.unicode_mirroring(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, unicode : UInt32) : UInt32 #

def self.unicode_script(ufuncs : HarfBuzz::UnicodeFuncsT, unicode : UInt32) : HarfBuzz::ScriptT #

def self.variation_from_string(str : Enumerable(UInt8)) : HarfBuzz::VariationT #

def self.variation_from_string(*str : UInt8) #

def self.variation_to_string(variation : HarfBuzz::VariationT, buf : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

def self.version(major : UInt32, minor : UInt32, micro : UInt32) : Nil #

def self.version_atleast(major : UInt32, minor : UInt32, micro : UInt32) : Int32 #

def self.version_string : String #