class Gtk::TextIter


An iterator for the contents of a Gtk::TextBuffer.

You may wish to begin by reading the text widget conceptual overview, which gives an overview of all the objects and data types related to the text widget and how they work together.

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer) #

def : LibGtk::TextIter, transfer : GICrystal::Transfer) #

def : Int32? = nil, dummy4 : Int32? = nil, dummy5 : Int32? = nil, dummy6 : Int32? = nil, dummy7 : Int32? = nil, dummy8 : Int32? = nil, dummy11 : Int32? = nil, dummy12 : Int32? = nil, dummy13 : Int32? = nil) #

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) : Bool #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

def assign(other : Gtk::TextIter) : Nil #

def backward_char : Bool #

def backward_chars(count : Int32) : Bool #

def backward_cursor_position : Bool #

def backward_cursor_positions(count : Int32) : Bool #

def backward_find_char(pred : Gtk::TextCharPredicate, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, limit : Gtk::TextIter?) : Bool #

def backward_line : Bool #

def backward_lines(count : Int32) : Bool #

def backward_search(str : String, flags : Gtk::TextSearchFlags, limit : Gtk::TextIter?) : Gtk::TextIter #

def backward_sentence_start : Bool #

def backward_sentence_starts(count : Int32) : Bool #

def backward_to_tag_toggle(tag : Gtk::TextTag?) : Bool #

def backward_visible_cursor_position : Bool #

def backward_visible_cursor_positions(count : Int32) : Bool #

def backward_visible_line : Bool #

def backward_visible_lines(count : Int32) : Bool #

def backward_visible_word_start : Bool #

def backward_visible_word_starts(count : Int32) : Bool #

def backward_word_start : Bool #

def backward_word_starts(count : Int32) : Bool #

def buffer : Gtk::TextBuffer #

def bytes_in_line : Int32 #

def can_insert(default_editability : Bool) : Bool #

def char : UInt32 #

def chars_in_line : Int32 #

def child_anchor : Gtk::TextChildAnchor? #

def compare(rhs : Gtk::TextIter) : Int32 #

def copy : Gtk::TextIter #

def dummy1 : Pointer(Void)? #

def dummy1! #

def dummy10 : Pointer(Void)? #

def dummy10! #

def dummy11 : Int32 #

def dummy11=(value : Int32) #

def dummy12 : Int32 #

def dummy12=(value : Int32) #

def dummy13 : Int32 #

def dummy13=(value : Int32) #

def dummy14 : Pointer(Void)? #

def dummy14! #

def dummy2 : Pointer(Void)? #

def dummy2! #

def dummy3 : Int32 #

def dummy3=(value : Int32) #

def dummy4 : Int32 #

def dummy4=(value : Int32) #

def dummy5 : Int32 #

def dummy5=(value : Int32) #

def dummy6 : Int32 #

def dummy6=(value : Int32) #

def dummy7 : Int32 #

def dummy7=(value : Int32) #

def dummy8 : Int32 #

def dummy8=(value : Int32) #

def dummy9 : Pointer(Void)? #

def dummy9! #

def editable(default_setting : Bool) : Bool #

def ends_line : Bool #

def ends_sentence : Bool #

def ends_tag(tag : Gtk::TextTag?) : Bool #

def ends_word : Bool #

def equal(rhs : Gtk::TextIter) : Bool #

def forward_char : Bool #

def forward_chars(count : Int32) : Bool #

def forward_cursor_position : Bool #

def forward_cursor_positions(count : Int32) : Bool #

def forward_find_char(pred : Gtk::TextCharPredicate, user_data : Pointer(Void)?, limit : Gtk::TextIter?) : Bool #

def forward_line : Bool #

def forward_lines(count : Int32) : Bool #

def forward_search(str : String, flags : Gtk::TextSearchFlags, limit : Gtk::TextIter?) : Gtk::TextIter #

def forward_sentence_end : Bool #

def forward_sentence_ends(count : Int32) : Bool #

def forward_to_end : Nil #

def forward_to_line_end : Bool #

def forward_to_tag_toggle(tag : Gtk::TextTag?) : Bool #

def forward_visible_cursor_position : Bool #

def forward_visible_cursor_positions(count : Int32) : Bool #

def forward_visible_line : Bool #

def forward_visible_lines(count : Int32) : Bool #

def forward_visible_word_end : Bool #

def forward_visible_word_ends(count : Int32) : Bool #

def forward_word_end : Bool #

def forward_word_ends(count : Int32) : Bool #

def free : Nil #

def has_tag(tag : Gtk::TextTag) : Bool #

def in_range(start : Gtk::TextIter, end _end : Gtk::TextIter) : Bool #

def inside_sentence : Bool #

def inside_word : Bool #

def is_cursor_position : Bool #

def is_end : Bool #

def is_start : Bool #

def language : Pango::Language #

def line : Int32 #

def line=(line_number : Int32) : Nil #

def line_index : Int32 #

def line_index=(byte_on_line : Int32) : Nil #

def line_offset : Int32 #

def line_offset=(char_on_line : Int32) : Nil #

def marks : GLib::SList #

def offset : Int32 #

def offset=(char_offset : Int32) : Nil #

def order(second : Gtk::TextIter) : Nil #

def paintable : Gdk::Paintable? #

def slice(end _end : Gtk::TextIter) : String #

def starts_line : Bool #

def starts_sentence : Bool #

def starts_tag(tag : Gtk::TextTag?) : Bool #

def starts_word : Bool #

def tags : GLib::SList #

def text(end _end : Gtk::TextIter) : String #

def to_unsafe #

def toggled_tags(toggled_on : Bool) : GLib::SList #

def toggles_tag(tag : Gtk::TextTag?) : Bool #

def visible_line_index : Int32 #

def visible_line_index=(byte_on_line : Int32) : Nil #

def visible_line_offset : Int32 #

def visible_line_offset=(char_on_line : Int32) : Nil #

def visible_slice(end _end : Gtk::TextIter) : String #

def visible_text(end _end : Gtk::TextIter) : String #