struct Gtk::Text::DeleteFromCursorSignal


Emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.

This is a keybinding signal.

If the @type is %GTK_DELETE_CHARS, GTK deletes the selection if there is one, otherwise it deletes the requested number of characters.

The default bindings for this signal are Delete for deleting a character and Ctrl-Delete for deleting a word.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal

[](detail : String) : self [], name : String name

Constructor methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal

new(source : GObject::Object, detail : String? = nil) new

Instance Method Detail

def connect(*, after : Bool = false, &block : Proc(Gtk::DeleteType, Int32, Nil)) : GObject::SignalConnection #

def connect(handler : Proc(Gtk::DeleteType, Int32, Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection #

def connect(handler : Proc(Gtk::Text, Gtk::DeleteType, Int32, Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection #

def emit(type : Gtk::DeleteType, count : Int32) : Nil #

def name : String #
Description copied from struct GObject::Signal

The signal name