class Adw::EntryRow


A Gtk::ListBoxRow with an embedded text entry.


Adw::EntryRow has a title that doubles as placeholder text. It shows an icon indicating that it's editable and can receive additional widgets before or after the editable part.

If [property@EntryRow:show-apply-button] is set to TRUE, Adw::EntryRow can show an apply button when editing its contents. This can be useful if changing its contents can result in an expensive operation, such as network activity.

Adw::EntryRow provides only minimal API and should be used with the Gtk::Editable API.

See also #PasswordEntryRow.

Adw::EntryRow as Gtk::Buildable

The Adw::EntryRow implementation of the Gtk::Buildable interface supports adding a child at its end by specifying “suffix” or omitting the “type” attribute of a element.

It also supports adding a child as a prefix widget by specifying “prefix” as the “type” attribute of a element.

CSS nodes

Adw::EntryRow has a single CSS node with name row and the .entry style class.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Editable

alignment : Float32 alignment, alignment=(xalign : Float32) : Nil alignment=, changed_signal changed_signal, chars(start_pos : Int32, end_pos : Int32) : String chars, cursor_position : Int32 cursor_position, delegate : Gtk::Editable? delegate, delete_selection : Nil delete_selection, delete_text(start_pos : Int32, end_pos : Int32) : Nil delete_text, delete_text_signal delete_text_signal, editable : Bool editable, editable=(is_editable : Bool) : Nil editable=, editable? : Bool editable?, enable_undo : Bool enable_undo, enable_undo=(enable_undo : Bool) : Nil enable_undo=, enable_undo? : Bool enable_undo?, finish_delegate : Nil finish_delegate, init_delegate : Nil init_delegate, insert_text(text : String, length : Int32, position : Int32) : Nil insert_text, insert_text_signal insert_text_signal, max_width_chars : Int32 max_width_chars, max_width_chars=(n_chars : Int32) : Nil max_width_chars=, position : Int32 position, position=(position : Int32) : Nil position=, select_region(start_pos : Int32, end_pos : Int32) : Nil select_region, selection_bound : Int32 selection_bound, selection_bounds : Bool selection_bounds, text : String text, text=(text : String) : Nil text=, to_unsafe to_unsafe, width_chars : Int32 width_chars, width_chars=(n_chars : Int32) : Nil width_chars=, xalign : Float32 xalign, xalign=(value : Float32) : Float32 xalign=

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Editable

delegate_get_property(object : GObject::Object, prop_id : UInt32, value : _, pspec : GObject::ParamSpec) : Bool delegate_get_property, delegate_set_property(object : GObject::Object, prop_id : UInt32, value : _, pspec : GObject::ParamSpec) : Bool delegate_set_property, g_type : UInt64 g_type, install_properties(object_class : GObject::ObjectClass, first_prop : UInt32) : UInt32 install_properties

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Actionable

action_name : String? action_name, action_name=(value : String) : String
action_name=(action_name : String?) : Nil
, action_target : GLib::Variant? action_target, action_target=(value : GLib::Variant?) : GLib::Variant? action_target=, action_target_value : GLib::Variant? action_target_value, action_target_value=(target_value : _?) : Nil action_target_value=, detailed_action_name=(detailed_action_name : String) : Nil detailed_action_name=, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Actionable

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

buildable_id : String? buildable_id, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role, accessible_role=(value : Gtk::AccessibleRole) : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role=, reset_property(property : Gtk::AccessibleProperty) : Nil reset_property, reset_relation(relation : Gtk::AccessibleRelation) : Nil reset_relation, reset_state(state : Gtk::AccessibleState) : Nil reset_state, to_unsafe to_unsafe, update_property(properties : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleProperty), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_property, update_relation(relations : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleRelation), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_relation, update_state(states : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleState), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_state

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from class Adw::PreferencesRow

title : String title, title=(title : String) : Nil title=, title_selectable : Bool title_selectable, title_selectable=(title_selectable : Bool) : Nil title_selectable=, title_selectable? : Bool title_selectable?, use_markup : Bool use_markup, use_markup=(use_markup : Bool) : Nil use_markup=, use_markup? : Bool use_markup?, use_underline : Bool use_underline, use_underline=(use_underline : Bool) : Nil use_underline=, use_underline? : Bool use_underline?

Constructor methods inherited from class Adw::PreferencesRow

new : self
new(*, accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole? = nil, action_name : String? = nil, action_target : GLib::Variant? = nil, activatable : Bool? = nil, can_focus : Bool? = nil, can_target : Bool? = nil, child : Gtk::Widget? = nil, css_classes : Enumerable(String)? = nil, css_name : String? = nil, cursor : Gdk::Cursor? = nil, focus_on_click : Bool? = nil, focusable : Bool? = nil, halign : Gtk::Align? = nil, has_default : Bool? = nil, has_focus : Bool? = nil, has_tooltip : Bool? = nil, height_request : Int32? = nil, hexpand : Bool? = nil, hexpand_set : Bool? = nil, layout_manager : Gtk::LayoutManager? = nil, margin_bottom : Int32? = nil, margin_end : Int32? = nil, margin_start : Int32? = nil, margin_top : Int32? = nil, name : String? = nil, opacity : Float64? = nil, overflow : Gtk::Overflow? = nil, parent : Gtk::Widget? = nil, receives_default : Bool? = nil, root : Gtk::Root? = nil, scale_factor : Int32? = nil, selectable : Bool? = nil, sensitive : Bool? = nil, title : String? = nil, title_selectable : Bool? = nil, tooltip_markup : String? = nil, tooltip_text : String? = nil, use_markup : Bool? = nil, use_underline : Bool? = nil, valign : Gtk::Align? = nil, vexpand : Bool? = nil, vexpand_set : Bool? = nil, visible : Bool? = nil, width_request : Int32? = nil)

Class methods inherited from class Adw::PreferencesRow

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Actionable

action_name : String? action_name, action_name=(value : String) : String
action_name=(action_name : String?) : Nil
, action_target : GLib::Variant? action_target, action_target=(value : GLib::Variant?) : GLib::Variant? action_target=, action_target_value : GLib::Variant? action_target_value, action_target_value=(target_value : _?) : Nil action_target_value=, detailed_action_name=(detailed_action_name : String) : Nil detailed_action_name=, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Actionable

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

buildable_id : String? buildable_id, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role, accessible_role=(value : Gtk::AccessibleRole) : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role=, reset_property(property : Gtk::AccessibleProperty) : Nil reset_property, reset_relation(relation : Gtk::AccessibleRelation) : Nil reset_relation, reset_state(state : Gtk::AccessibleState) : Nil reset_state, to_unsafe to_unsafe, update_property(properties : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleProperty), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_property, update_relation(relations : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleRelation), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_relation, update_state(states : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleState), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_state

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from class Gtk::ListBoxRow

activatable : Bool activatable, activatable=(activatable : Bool) : Nil activatable=, activatable? : Bool activatable?, activate_signal activate_signal, changed : Nil changed, child : Gtk::Widget? child, child=(child : Gtk::Widget?) : Nil child=, header : Gtk::Widget? header, header=(header : Gtk::Widget?) : Nil header=, index : Int32 index, is_selected : Bool is_selected, selectable : Bool selectable, selectable=(selectable : Bool) : Nil selectable=, selectable? : Bool selectable?

Constructor methods inherited from class Gtk::ListBoxRow

new : self
new(*, accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole? = nil, action_name : String? = nil, action_target : GLib::Variant? = nil, activatable : Bool? = nil, can_focus : Bool? = nil, can_target : Bool? = nil, child : Gtk::Widget? = nil, css_classes : Enumerable(String)? = nil, css_name : String? = nil, cursor : Gdk::Cursor? = nil, focus_on_click : Bool? = nil, focusable : Bool? = nil, halign : Gtk::Align? = nil, has_default : Bool? = nil, has_focus : Bool? = nil, has_tooltip : Bool? = nil, height_request : Int32? = nil, hexpand : Bool? = nil, hexpand_set : Bool? = nil, layout_manager : Gtk::LayoutManager? = nil, margin_bottom : Int32? = nil, margin_end : Int32? = nil, margin_start : Int32? = nil, margin_top : Int32? = nil, name : String? = nil, opacity : Float64? = nil, overflow : Gtk::Overflow? = nil, parent : Gtk::Widget? = nil, receives_default : Bool? = nil, root : Gtk::Root? = nil, scale_factor : Int32? = nil, selectable : Bool? = nil, sensitive : Bool? = nil, tooltip_markup : String? = nil, tooltip_text : String? = nil, valign : Gtk::Align? = nil, vexpand : Bool? = nil, vexpand_set : Bool? = nil, visible : Bool? = nil, width_request : Int32? = nil)

Class methods inherited from class Gtk::ListBoxRow

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Actionable

action_name : String? action_name, action_name=(value : String) : String
action_name=(action_name : String?) : Nil
, action_target : GLib::Variant? action_target, action_target=(value : GLib::Variant?) : GLib::Variant? action_target=, action_target_value : GLib::Variant? action_target_value, action_target_value=(target_value : _?) : Nil action_target_value=, detailed_action_name=(detailed_action_name : String) : Nil detailed_action_name=, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Actionable

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

buildable_id : String? buildable_id, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role, accessible_role=(value : Gtk::AccessibleRole) : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role=, reset_property(property : Gtk::AccessibleProperty) : Nil reset_property, reset_relation(relation : Gtk::AccessibleRelation) : Nil reset_relation, reset_state(state : Gtk::AccessibleState) : Nil reset_state, to_unsafe to_unsafe, update_property(properties : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleProperty), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_property, update_relation(relations : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleRelation), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_relation, update_state(states : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleState), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_state

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from class Gtk::Widget

action_set_enabled(action_name : String, enabled : Bool) : Nil action_set_enabled, activate : Bool activate, activate_action(name : String, args : _?) : Bool activate_action, activate_default : Nil activate_default, add_controller(controller : Gtk::EventController) : Nil add_controller, add_css_class(css_class : String) : Nil add_css_class, add_mnemonic_label(label : Gtk::Widget) : Nil add_mnemonic_label, add_tick_callback(callback : Gtk::TickCallback) : UInt32 add_tick_callback, allocate(width : Int32, height : Int32, baseline : Int32, transform : Gsk::Transform?) : Nil allocate, allocated_baseline : Int32 allocated_baseline, allocated_height : Int32 allocated_height, allocated_width : Int32 allocated_width, allocation : Gdk::Rectangle allocation, ancestor(widget_type : UInt64) : Gtk::Widget? ancestor, can_focus : Bool can_focus, can_focus=(can_focus : Bool) : Nil can_focus=, can_focus? : Bool can_focus?, can_target : Bool can_target, can_target=(can_target : Bool) : Nil can_target=, can_target? : Bool can_target?, child_focus(direction : Gtk::DirectionType) : Bool child_focus, child_visible : Bool child_visible, child_visible=(child_visible : Bool) : Nil child_visible=, clipboard : Gdk::Clipboard clipboard, compute_bounds(target : Gtk::Widget) : Graphene::Rect compute_bounds, compute_expand(orientation : Gtk::Orientation) : Bool compute_expand, compute_point(target : Gtk::Widget, point : Graphene::Point) : Graphene::Point compute_point, compute_transform(target : Gtk::Widget) : Graphene::Matrix compute_transform, contains(x : Float64, y : Float64) : Bool contains, create_pango_context : Pango::Context create_pango_context, create_pango_layout(text : String?) : Pango::Layout create_pango_layout, css_classes : Enumerable(String) css_classes, css_classes=(classes : Enumerable(String)) : Nil css_classes=, css_name : String css_name, css_name=(value : String) : String css_name=, cursor : Gdk::Cursor? cursor, cursor=(cursor : Gdk::Cursor?) : Nil cursor=, cursor_from_name=(name : String?) : Nil cursor_from_name=, destroy_signal destroy_signal, direction : Gtk::TextDirection direction, direction=(dir : Gtk::TextDirection) : Nil direction=, direction_changed_signal direction_changed_signal, display : Gdk::Display display, dispose_template(widget_type : UInt64) : Nil dispose_template, drag_check_threshold(start_x : Int32, start_y : Int32, current_x : Int32, current_y : Int32) : Bool drag_check_threshold, error_bell : Nil error_bell, first_child : Gtk::Widget? first_child, focus_child : Gtk::Widget? focus_child, focus_child=(child : Gtk::Widget?) : Nil focus_child=, focus_on_click : Bool focus_on_click, focus_on_click=(focus_on_click : Bool) : Nil focus_on_click=, focus_on_click? : Bool focus_on_click?, focusable : Bool focusable, focusable=(focusable : Bool) : Nil focusable=, focusable? : Bool focusable?, font_map : Pango::FontMap? font_map, font_map=(font_map : Pango::FontMap?) : Nil font_map=, font_options : Cairo::FontOptions? font_options, font_options=(options : Cairo::FontOptions?) : Nil font_options=, frame_clock : Gdk::FrameClock? frame_clock, grab_focus : Bool grab_focus, halign : Gtk::Align halign, halign=(align : Gtk::Align) : Nil halign=, has_css_class(css_class : String) : Bool has_css_class, has_default : Bool has_default, has_default? : Bool has_default?, has_focus : Bool has_focus, has_focus? : Bool has_focus?, has_tooltip : Bool has_tooltip, has_tooltip=(has_tooltip : Bool) : Nil has_tooltip=, has_tooltip? : Bool has_tooltip?, has_visible_focus : Bool has_visible_focus, height : Int32 height, height_request : Int32 height_request, height_request=(value : Int32) : Int32 height_request=, hexpand : Bool hexpand, hexpand=(expand : Bool) : Nil hexpand=, hexpand? : Bool hexpand?, hexpand_set : Bool hexpand_set, hexpand_set=(set : Bool) : Nil hexpand_set=, hexpand_set? : Bool hexpand_set?, hide : Nil hide, hide_signal hide_signal, in_destruction : Bool in_destruction, init_template : Nil init_template, insert_action_group(name : String, group : Gio::ActionGroup?) : Nil insert_action_group, insert_after(parent : Gtk::Widget, previous_sibling : Gtk::Widget?) : Nil insert_after, insert_before(parent : Gtk::Widget, next_sibling : Gtk::Widget?) : Nil insert_before, is_ancestor(ancestor : Gtk::Widget) : Bool is_ancestor, is_drawable : Bool is_drawable, is_focus : Bool is_focus, is_sensitive : Bool is_sensitive, is_visible : Bool is_visible, keynav_failed(direction : Gtk::DirectionType) : Bool keynav_failed, keynav_failed_signal keynav_failed_signal, last_child : Gtk::Widget? last_child, layout_manager : Gtk::LayoutManager? layout_manager, layout_manager=(layout_manager : Gtk::LayoutManager?) : Nil layout_manager=, list_mnemonic_labels : GLib::List list_mnemonic_labels, map : Nil map, map_signal map_signal, mapped : Bool mapped, margin_bottom : Int32 margin_bottom, margin_bottom=(margin : Int32) : Nil margin_bottom=, margin_end : Int32 margin_end, margin_end=(margin : Int32) : Nil margin_end=, margin_start : Int32 margin_start, margin_start=(margin : Int32) : Nil margin_start=, margin_top : Int32 margin_top, margin_top=(margin : Int32) : Nil margin_top=, measure(orientation : Gtk::Orientation, for_size : Int32) : Nil measure, mnemonic_activate(group_cycling : Bool) : Bool mnemonic_activate, mnemonic_activate_signal mnemonic_activate_signal, move_focus_signal move_focus_signal, name : String name, name=(name : String) : Nil name=, native : Gtk::Native? native, next_sibling : Gtk::Widget? next_sibling, observe_children : Gio::ListModel observe_children, observe_controllers : Gio::ListModel observe_controllers, opacity : Float64 opacity, opacity=(opacity : Float64) : Nil opacity=, overflow : Gtk::Overflow overflow, overflow=(overflow : Gtk::Overflow) : Nil overflow=, pango_context : Pango::Context pango_context, parent : Gtk::Widget? parent, parent=(parent : Gtk::Widget) : Nil parent=, pick(x : Float64, y : Float64, flags : Gtk::PickFlags) : Gtk::Widget? pick, preferred_size : Gtk::Requisition preferred_size, prev_sibling : Gtk::Widget? prev_sibling, primary_clipboard : Gdk::Clipboard primary_clipboard, query_tooltip_signal query_tooltip_signal, queue_allocate : Nil queue_allocate, queue_draw : Nil queue_draw, queue_resize : Nil queue_resize, realize : Nil realize, realize_signal realize_signal, realized : Bool realized, receives_default : Bool receives_default, receives_default=(receives_default : Bool) : Nil receives_default=, receives_default? : Bool receives_default?, remove_controller(controller : Gtk::EventController) : Nil remove_controller, remove_css_class(css_class : String) : Nil remove_css_class, remove_mnemonic_label(label : Gtk::Widget) : Nil remove_mnemonic_label, remove_tick_callback(id : UInt32) : Nil remove_tick_callback, request_mode : Gtk::SizeRequestMode request_mode, root : Gtk::Root? root, scale_factor : Int32 scale_factor, sensitive : Bool sensitive, sensitive=(sensitive : Bool) : Nil sensitive=, sensitive? : Bool sensitive?, set_size_request(width : Int32, height : Int32) : Nil set_size_request, set_state_flags(flags : Gtk::StateFlags, clear : Bool) : Nil set_state_flags, settings : Gtk::Settings settings, should_layout : Bool should_layout, show : Nil show, show_signal show_signal, size(orientation : Gtk::Orientation) : Int32 size, size_allocate(allocation : Gdk::Rectangle, baseline : Int32) : Nil size_allocate, size_request : Nil size_request, snapshot_child(child : Gtk::Widget, snapshot : Gtk::Snapshot) : Nil snapshot_child, state_flags : Gtk::StateFlags state_flags, state_flags_changed_signal state_flags_changed_signal, style_context : Gtk::StyleContext style_context, tooltip_markup : String? tooltip_markup, tooltip_markup=(value : String) : String
tooltip_markup=(markup : String?) : Nil
, tooltip_text : String? tooltip_text, tooltip_text=(value : String) : String
tooltip_text=(text : String?) : Nil
, translate_coordinates(dest_widget : Gtk::Widget, src_x : Float64, src_y : Float64) : Bool translate_coordinates, trigger_tooltip_query : Nil trigger_tooltip_query, unmap : Nil unmap, unmap_signal unmap_signal, unparent : Nil unparent, unrealize : Nil unrealize, unrealize_signal unrealize_signal, unset_state_flags(flags : Gtk::StateFlags) : Nil unset_state_flags, valign : Gtk::Align valign, valign=(align : Gtk::Align) : Nil valign=, vexpand : Bool vexpand, vexpand=(expand : Bool) : Nil vexpand=, vexpand? : Bool vexpand?, vexpand_set : Bool vexpand_set, vexpand_set=(set : Bool) : Nil vexpand_set=, vexpand_set? : Bool vexpand_set?, visible : Bool visible, visible=(visible : Bool) : Nil visible=, visible? : Bool visible?, width : Int32 width, width_request : Int32 width_request, width_request=(value : Int32) : Int32 width_request=

Constructor methods inherited from class Gtk::Widget

new(*, accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole? = nil, can_focus : Bool? = nil, can_target : Bool? = nil, css_classes : Enumerable(String)? = nil, css_name : String? = nil, cursor : Gdk::Cursor? = nil, focus_on_click : Bool? = nil, focusable : Bool? = nil, halign : Gtk::Align? = nil, has_default : Bool? = nil, has_focus : Bool? = nil, has_tooltip : Bool? = nil, height_request : Int32? = nil, hexpand : Bool? = nil, hexpand_set : Bool? = nil, layout_manager : Gtk::LayoutManager? = nil, margin_bottom : Int32? = nil, margin_end : Int32? = nil, margin_start : Int32? = nil, margin_top : Int32? = nil, name : String? = nil, opacity : Float64? = nil, overflow : Gtk::Overflow? = nil, parent : Gtk::Widget? = nil, receives_default : Bool? = nil, root : Gtk::Root? = nil, scale_factor : Int32? = nil, sensitive : Bool? = nil, tooltip_markup : String? = nil, tooltip_text : String? = nil, valign : Gtk::Align? = nil, vexpand : Bool? = nil, vexpand_set : Bool? = nil, visible : Bool? = nil, width_request : Int32? = nil)

Class methods inherited from class Gtk::Widget

default_direction : Gtk::TextDirection default_direction, default_direction=(dir : Gtk::TextDirection) : Nil default_direction=, g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::ConstraintTarget

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

buildable_id : String? buildable_id, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Buildable

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role, accessible_role=(value : Gtk::AccessibleRole) : Gtk::AccessibleRole accessible_role=, reset_property(property : Gtk::AccessibleProperty) : Nil reset_property, reset_relation(relation : Gtk::AccessibleRelation) : Nil reset_relation, reset_state(state : Gtk::AccessibleState) : Nil reset_state, to_unsafe to_unsafe, update_property(properties : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleProperty), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_property, update_relation(relations : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleRelation), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_relation, update_state(states : Enumerable(Gtk::AccessibleState), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil update_state

Class methods inherited from module Gtk::Accessible

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Constructor methods inherited from class GObject::InitiallyUnowned

new new

Class methods inherited from class GObject::InitiallyUnowned

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance methods inherited from class GObject::Object

bind_property(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags) : GObject::Binding bind_property, bind_property_full(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags, transform_to : GObject::Closure, transform_from : GObject::Closure) : GObject::Binding bind_property_full, data(key : String) : Pointer(Void)? data, finalize finalize, freeze_notify : Nil freeze_notify, getv(names : Enumerable(String), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil getv, notify(property_name : String) : Nil notify, notify_by_pspec(pspec : GObject::ParamSpec) : Nil notify_by_pspec, notify_signal notify_signal, property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil property, qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void)? qdata, ref_count : UInt32 ref_count, run_dispose : Nil run_dispose, set_data(key : String, data : Pointer(Void)?) : Nil set_data, set_property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil set_property, steal_data(key : String) : Pointer(Void)? steal_data, steal_qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void)? steal_qdata, thaw_notify : Nil thaw_notify, to_unsafe : Pointer(Void) to_unsafe, watch_closure(closure : GObject::Closure) : Nil watch_closure

Constructor methods inherited from class GObject::Object

cast(obj : GObject::Object) : self cast, cast?(obj : GObject::Object) : self? cast?, new(pointer : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer)
, newv(object_type : UInt64, parameters : Enumerable(GObject::Parameter)) : self newv

Class methods inherited from class GObject::Object

compat_control(what : UInt64, data : Pointer(Void)?) : UInt64 compat_control, g_type : UInt64 g_type, interface_find_property(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface, property_name : String) : GObject::ParamSpec interface_find_property, interface_list_properties(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface) : Enumerable(GObject::ParamSpec) interface_list_properties

Constructor Detail

def : self #

Creates a new Adw::EntryRow.

def*, accessible_role : Gtk::AccessibleRole? = nil, action_name : String? = nil, action_target : GLib::Variant? = nil, activatable : Bool? = nil, activates_default : Bool? = nil, attributes : Pango::AttrList? = nil, can_focus : Bool? = nil, can_target : Bool? = nil, child : Gtk::Widget? = nil, css_classes : Enumerable(String)? = nil, css_name : String? = nil, cursor : Gdk::Cursor? = nil, cursor_position : Int32? = nil, editable : Bool? = nil, enable_emoji_completion : Bool? = nil, enable_undo : Bool? = nil, focus_on_click : Bool? = nil, focusable : Bool? = nil, halign : Gtk::Align? = nil, has_default : Bool? = nil, has_focus : Bool? = nil, has_tooltip : Bool? = nil, height_request : Int32? = nil, hexpand : Bool? = nil, hexpand_set : Bool? = nil, input_hints : Gtk::InputHints? = nil, input_purpose : Gtk::InputPurpose? = nil, layout_manager : Gtk::LayoutManager? = nil, margin_bottom : Int32? = nil, margin_end : Int32? = nil, margin_start : Int32? = nil, margin_top : Int32? = nil, max_width_chars : Int32? = nil, name : String? = nil, opacity : Float64? = nil, overflow : Gtk::Overflow? = nil, parent : Gtk::Widget? = nil, receives_default : Bool? = nil, root : Gtk::Root? = nil, scale_factor : Int32? = nil, selectable : Bool? = nil, selection_bound : Int32? = nil, sensitive : Bool? = nil, show_apply_button : Bool? = nil, text : String? = nil, title : String? = nil, title_selectable : Bool? = nil, tooltip_markup : String? = nil, tooltip_text : String? = nil, use_markup : Bool? = nil, use_underline : Bool? = nil, valign : Gtk::Align? = nil, vexpand : Bool? = nil, vexpand_set : Bool? = nil, visible : Bool? = nil, width_chars : Int32? = nil, width_request : Int32? = nil, xalign : Float32? = nil) #

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

Instance Method Detail

def activates_default : Bool #

Gets whether activating the embedded entry can activate the default widget.

def activates_default=(activates : Bool) : Nil #

Sets whether activating the embedded entry can activate the default widget.

def activates_default? : Bool #

def add_prefix(widget : Gtk::Widget) : Nil #

Adds a prefix widget to @self.

def add_suffix(widget : Gtk::Widget) : Nil #

Adds a suffix widget to @self.

def apply_signal #

def attributes : Pango::AttrList? #

Gets Pango attributes applied to the text of the embedded entry.

def attributes=(attributes : Pango::AttrList?) : Nil #

Sets Pango attributes to apply to the text of the embedded entry.

The Pango::Attribute's start_index and end_index must refer to the Gtk::EntryBuffer text, i.e. without the preedit string.

def enable_emoji_completion : Bool #

Gets whether to suggest emoji replacements on @self.

def enable_emoji_completion=(enable_emoji_completion : Bool) : Nil #

Sets whether to suggest emoji replacements on @self.

Emoji replacement is done with :-delimited names, like :heart:.

def enable_emoji_completion? : Bool #

def entry_activated_signal #

def input_hints : Gtk::InputHints #

Gets the additional input hints of @self.

def input_hints=(hints : Gtk::InputHints) : Nil #

Set additional input hints for @self.

Input hints allow input methods to fine-tune their behavior.

See also: [property@Adw::EntryRow:input-purpose]

def input_purpose : Gtk::InputPurpose #

Gets the input purpose of @self.

def input_purpose=(purpose : Gtk::InputPurpose) : Nil #

Sets the input purpose of @self.

The input purpose can be used by input methods to adjust their behavior.

def remove(widget : Gtk::Widget) : Nil #

Removes a child from @self.

def show_apply_button : Bool #

Gets whether @self can show the apply button.

def show_apply_button=(show_apply_button : Bool) : Nil #

Sets whether @self can show the apply button.

When set to TRUE, typing text in the entry will reveal an apply button. Clicking it or pressing the Enter key will hide the button and emit the EntryRow::#apply signal.

This is useful if changing the entry contents can trigger an expensive operation, e.g. network activity, to avoid triggering it after typing every character.

def show_apply_button? : Bool #