class Gtk::ShortcutAction


Gtk::ShortcutAction encodes an action that can be triggered by a keyboard shortcut.

Gtk::ShortcutActions contain functions that allow easy presentation to end users as well as being printed for debugging.

All Gtk::ShortcutActions are immutable, you can only specify their properties during construction. If you want to change a action, you have to replace it with a new one. If you need to pass arguments to an action, these are specified by the higher-level Gtk::Shortcut object.

To activate a Gtk::ShortcutAction manually, Gtk::ShortcutAction#activate can be called.

GTK provides various actions:

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class GObject::Object

bind_property(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags) : GObject::Binding bind_property, bind_property_full(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags, transform_to : GObject::Closure, transform_from : GObject::Closure) : GObject::Binding bind_property_full, data(key : String) : Pointer(Void)? data, finalize finalize, freeze_notify : Nil freeze_notify, getv(names : Enumerable(String), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil getv, notify(property_name : String) : Nil notify, notify_by_pspec(pspec : GObject::ParamSpec) : Nil notify_by_pspec, notify_signal notify_signal, property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil property, qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void)? qdata, ref_count : UInt32 ref_count, run_dispose : Nil run_dispose, set_data(key : String, data : Pointer(Void)?) : Nil set_data, set_property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil set_property, steal_data(key : String) : Pointer(Void)? steal_data, steal_qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void)? steal_qdata, thaw_notify : Nil thaw_notify, to_unsafe : Pointer(Void) to_unsafe, watch_closure(closure : GObject::Closure) : Nil watch_closure

Constructor methods inherited from class GObject::Object

cast(obj : GObject::Object) : self cast, cast?(obj : GObject::Object) : self? cast?, new(pointer : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer)
, newv(object_type : UInt64, parameters : Enumerable(GObject::Parameter)) : self newv

Class methods inherited from class GObject::Object

compat_control(what : UInt64, data : Pointer(Void)?) : UInt64 compat_control, g_type : UInt64 g_type, interface_find_property(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface, property_name : String) : GObject::ParamSpec interface_find_property, interface_list_properties(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface) : Enumerable(GObject::ParamSpec) interface_list_properties

Constructor Detail

def #

Initialize a new ShortcutAction.

def self.parse_string(string : String) : self? #

Tries to parse the given string into an action.

On success, the parsed action is returned. When parsing failed, nil is returned.

The accepted strings are:

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

Instance Method Detail

def activate(flags : Gtk::ShortcutActionFlags, widget : Gtk::Widget, args : _?) : Bool #

Activates the action on the @widget with the given @args.

Note that some actions ignore the passed in @flags, @widget or @args.

Activation of an action can fail for various reasons. If the action is not supported by the @widget, if the @args don't match the action or if the activation otherwise had no effect, false will be returned.

def print(string : GLib::String) : Nil #

Prints the given action into a string for the developer.

This is meant for debugging and logging.

The form of the representation may change at any time and is not guaranteed to stay identical.

def to_string : String #

Prints the given action into a human-readable string.

This is a small wrapper around Gtk::ShortcutAction#print to help when debugging.