module Gio::Action


#GAction represents a single named action.

The main interface to an action is that it can be activated with g_action_activate(). This results in the 'activate' signal being emitted. An activation has a #GVariant parameter (which may be nil). The correct type for the parameter is determined by a static parameter type (which is given at construction time).

An action may optionally have a state, in which case the state may be set with g_action_change_state(). This call takes a #GVariant. The correct type for the state is determined by a static state type (which is given at construction time).

The state may have a hint associated with it, specifying its valid range.

#GAction is merely the interface to the concept of an action, as described above. Various implementations of actions exist, including #GSimpleAction.

In all cases, the implementing class is responsible for storing the name of the action, the parameter type, the enabled state, the optional state type and the state and emitting the appropriate signals when these change. The implementor is responsible for filtering calls to g_action_activate() and g_action_change_state() for type safety and for the state being enabled.

Probably the only useful thing to do with a #GAction is to put it inside of a #GSimpleActionGroup.

Direct including types

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

def self.name_is_valid(action_name : String) : Bool #

def self.print_detailed_name(action_name : String, target_value : _?) : String #

Instance Method Detail

def activate(parameter : _?) : Nil #

def change_state(value : _) : Nil #

def enabled : Bool #

def enabled? : Bool #

def name : String #

def parameter_type : GLib::VariantType? #

def parse_detailed_name(detailed_name : String, action_name : String, target_value : _) : Bool #

def state : GLib::Variant? #

def state_hint : GLib::Variant? #

def state_type : GLib::VariantType? #

abstract def to_unsafe #