struct Gio::MountOperation::ShowProcessesSignal


Emitted when one or more processes are blocking an operation e.g. unmounting/ejecting a #GMount or stopping a #GDrive.

Note that this signal may be emitted several times to update the list of blocking processes as processes close files. The application should only respond with g_mount_operation_reply() to the latest signal (setting #GMountOperation:choice to the choice the user made).

If the message contains a line break, the first line should be presented as a heading. For example, it may be used as the primary text in a #Gtk::MessageDialog.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal

[](detail : String) : self [], name : String name

Constructor methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal

new(source : GObject::Object, detail : String? = nil) new

Instance Method Detail

def connect(*, after : Bool = false, &block : Proc(String, Enumerable(Int32), Enumerable(String), Nil)) : GObject::SignalConnection #

def connect(handler : Proc(String, Enumerable(Int32), Enumerable(String), Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection #

def connect(handler : Proc(Gio::MountOperation, String, Enumerable(Int32), Enumerable(String), Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection #

def emit(message : String, processes : Enumerable(Int32), choices : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

def name : String #
Description copied from struct GObject::Signal

The signal name